Solar Panel Overview

Solar panel is a packaged, associated assemblage of solar cells. These are also known as Photovoltaic cells. The solar panel can be used as a module of a larger photovoltaic system and helps to produce and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. Installation contains many different panels because a single solar panel can not produce much amount of power. Single solar panel produces only less amount of power. Solar panel use low energy from the sun to produce electricity through photovoltaic system. The wires which are used for the solar panel may contain silver, copper and some other nonmagnetic conductive. The cells are linked electrically to one another and with the whole system. Cells have to be protected from wetness and mechanical damage. Mainly solar panels are firm, but semi-flexible. These are based on the thin film cell. Electrical connections are prepared in one series to attain a preferred output voltage and provide a preferred current capability in parallel. Now solar panel designs include concentrator basically the concentrator in which the light is focused by mirror or lenses onto a collection of smaller cell.

Many solar modules are generated from silicon photovoltaic cells. Thin-firm modules are the latest technology and can produce high efficiency conversion at very low rate. these are further two types of it which are name as Right thin-film module in this module the cells and module are made in same production line and the other name is Flexible thin-module . The productions are carried out in many countries but the top ten companies are the Suntech, First Solar, Sharp Solar, Yingli, Trina solar, Canadian Solar, Hanwah Solar, Sunpower, Renewable energy Corporation, Solarworld. These companies are the top ten producers in 2010. The need of this system increases its production. The pricing range is different it depend on how much you buying. Usually there are three types of buyers some are those who buy very less quantity some are mid range buyers which buy up to 10 MWP per year and some are large quantity buyers. There are different mounting systems in the solar panel which are trackers, fixed racks, ground mounted, roof mounted. Solar tracker increases the quantity of energy.


Fixed racks grasp panels motionless as the sun move across the sky. And Ground mounted includes pole mounts, foundation mounts , Ballasted footing mounts. Roof mounted system consist of solar panels detained in place by racks or frames attached to roof based mounting supports. Roof mounted includes Pole mounts, Ballasted footing mounts. A typical solar system requires inverters, batteries, and interconnection. Many companies also provide the maintenance facility. Now a days many of people preferred solar panel system to install in their offices and companies. Solar panels are available with the different range of the sizes. Its life time is almost 15 and 25 years. Usually the batteries are more durable and material is made of glass, aluminum and high thickness plastic. If you want to install this system it has many advantages it’s costly but long lasting. Many countries are preferred to install this type of system at governmental level to reduce the electricity power issues.

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